How To Cytic Acne Treatment

Cystic acne is the type of acne that has a size larger than normal acne or blackheads, it is black, can cause inflammation of the rather severe and difficult to cure. Although it has healed, usually acne this model will leave scars that are difficult to remove even be said to be permanent. Besides being able to appear at the face, cystic acne can also appear other parts of the body such as the nose, face, chin, back and chest.

So how do I fix this? relaxed, do not hurry, we discussed from the beginning ok! Now we already know what it is cystic acne. We go to the next discussion, which is the cause of cystic acne. Ancient people used to say, to cure a disease, we must know the cause first. Likewise with cystic acne. To be able to cure it, we must know what the cause of cystic acne. Ok, now let's find out first what are the things that can be the cause of cystic acne on the face.

How To Cytic Acne Treatment

Causes of Cystic Acne

As already said above, that the order to treat cystic acne, we need to know in advance what are the things that can cause cystic acne. Based Admin read the article on wikipedia site and, it is known that the causes of cystic acne are as follows:

1. Genetic Factors
Cystic acne can be caused by genetic factors (heredity). That is how min? so here, for example, a father or mother you is affected by cystic acne, well, chances are you will also be affected by acne. So if now you have cystic acne on the face, you can ask first to the father / mother, if they ever have cystic acne on the face? if the answer is yes, then most likely the cause of your cystic acne that is due to genetic or hereditary factors.

2. Bacteria
On our skin there is a bacterium known as P.Acne bacteria. The bacteria usually develops in the sebaceous glands are clogged and it produces substances that can make the skin become irritated. So that these glands will continue to swell even rupture, which eventually will spread inflammation in other parts of the skin surface.

3. Dead Skin Cells
Increased dead skin cells mixed with dirt, dust, bacteria and oil will lead to blockage of the pores of the skin that can eventually become a trigger cystic acne.

4. Allergies
Sometimes cystic acne can also be caused by an allergy to a food. Suppose you are allergic to eggs, seafood and so on. If the cause of acne on the face you because alersi, eating the right steps to overcome that avoiding the consumption of these foods. If you can not, at least you subtract.

5. Ultra Violet Rays
Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that are anti-bacterial. However, exposure to ultraviolet light directly on the skin in a long time, it also can cause damage to the skin, one of which is the cause cystic acne.

6. Type or skin quality
Cystic acne usually affects someone who has the kind of skin that have excess oil. Because when the skin produces excess minyal, the oil will be easily mixed with bacteria, dirt, dust that can clog the pores of the skin.

Natural Ways to Treat Cystic Acne

Although it is said to be difficult to be cured, but it does not mean it can be treated. Cystic acne can be treated with some traditional medicine recipes below:

a. Step 1 - Clean Skin
Before trying the recipe untu eliminate cystic acne, it is important for you to clean the first part of the body that we treat, for example, there is the face of acne stones:
Before washing your face, wash your hands first with soap to thoroughly clean
Then wash your face with warm water
Then dry with a cloth / clean towel (not too dry)

b. Step 2 - Recipes for Acne Coping Stone

Here are some traditional recipes that we can use to cure acne:

1. Fruit Tomato
You can use the tomatoes for acne medications, because the tomato contains vitamin C, A and B1, calcium, iron, and sulfur are effective to prevent inflammation and deflates acne, how:
provide 1 tomato ripe
The tomato divided into 2 parts
use 1 sides of tomato to the face / cheek left and 1 part again for the right cheek
rubbing smoothly and quietly on the face with acne until evenly
wait about 15-20 minutes or until the tomatoes dry out
rinse with cold water

2. Egg Whites
Overcoming cystic acne can be done using egg whites. In the world of beauty is very famous egg white as a clarifying facial mask. To get rid of acne with egg white, perform the following steps:
Provide 1 egg
Separate the egg yolks and egg whites
Apply egg white on the skin of the face with acne
Wait until dry, or about - + 20-30 minutes
After the egg white dries, rinse with cold water

3. Water Juice Lime, Honey and Turmeric
Benefits of honey and turmeric indeed banayak, and one of them is we can use to get rid of cystic acne, how easy:
Wash off with water turmeric
then puree, can grind, shredded or in a blender
Mix turmeric paste before with honey and lime juice
Mix well
Apply on the skin of the face with acne until evenly
Wait about 15-20 minutes
Rinse with cold water

4. Potatoes
In the potato contains a substance called "alkali" which can be useful for cleaning oil glands that clog the pores of the skin. How is it done?
Take 1 piece of potato
Thoroughly wash clean
tersebur potato puree (shredded or blended)
apply on the skin with acne
let stand about 20 -30 minutes
wash with cold water

5. Pasta Baking Soda
Baking soda can heal and prevent acne that does not grow more. The trick is as follows:
provide baking soda to taste
Mix soda with a little water backing up into a slightly thick paste
dab on the area of skin with acne
Let stand for 15 minutes
Rinse with cold water
You can also mix baking soda with sea salt.

To obtain maximum results, do the above manner on a regular basis. How to safely performed in addition to the above is useful to eliminate acne, it also can make the skin more bright. Then that must be considered is the cleanliness of materials and tools used. Make sure the tools and materials you use are cleaned.

Demikain tips to get rid of cystic acne on the face with traditional recipes. Although brief, I hope what I wrote this time, can be beneficial. Thank you

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