Baby Acne

To parent's dismay, baby acne is very common. Baby acne usually appears as small whiteheads on the infant's cheeks, chin and forehead. The hormones that are transferred from mother to baby at birth and with breastfeeding can sometimes cause baby acne annoying but painless condition.

The maternal hormones that are passed from you to the baby at the end of the pregnancy could also be the cause of your baby's acne. Baby acne usually occurs on the baby's cheeks, forehead, chin, and even the back. Contact with an oil substances such as petroleum oil or mineral oil can cause baby acne. As with adolescent acne, the acne condition can be caused by a skin irritation, certain medications, or by a hormonal change.

Baby Acne

Wipe any food, drinks, or saliva that may drop off from your baby's mouth as this may worsen baby acne. Baby acne can be prevented, be sure that you are not using strong detergents in washing your baby's clothes. Some detergents may contain harsh chemicals that can aggravate baby skin.

Acne is not the only thing that can give the appearance of pimple to your baby's skin. If your baby's breakout looks more like a rash, it may be eczema. Do not put any oil or lotion on the infantile acne on the baby. You should be alarmed if your baby's acne problem lasts for more than six months.

Wash your baby's face with water and some mild baby soap once a day. Avoid putting any creams, lotions or oils on your baby's skin. These products can also irritate acne. Some think that acne is the baby's skin is simply going through a cleansing process, as the baby's system cleanses itself of the unwanted hormones.

Your baby's skin is very sensitive and make up only add irritation to this sensitive area.

Baby acne - What can I do about it?
Imagine you have a beautiful newborn baby and instead of seeing a clean skin you're seeing a baby with a skin full of pimples. 

Fist I give you a definition what baby acne is, then five points that causes baby acne

And last but not least tips how to handle your baby's acne.

What is baby acne? 

Baby acne also known as acne neonatorum is a condition that affect 20% of the newborn babies.

In most cases the acne disappears after three months. Perhaps you have seen tiny bumps on a newborn baby face if they disappear within a few weeks then it's not acne but milieu, milieu is unrelated to baby acne.

What causes baby acne?
There are several factors that can cause acne on the skin of the baby.
* Medicines can causes baby acne as well
* It's possible that mineral oil or petroleum can cause baby acne
* The hormones of the mother, as the baby get older, it loses the mother's hormones and so the baby acne goes away.
* Drugs, taken by the baby or by the mother who is pregnant, can cause baby acne as well

Treatments for baby acne?

Don't scrub the face of your baby, scrubbing can cause skin irritation.

This solution can work with teenager or adult acne but it will not help with baby acne.

You see babyacne isn't worse at all. 

More.... What is Acne?

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