5 Effective Ways to Treat Acne

Are you tired of those red zits on your face that just don't want to go away? Before you pick those annoying pimples and fill your face with scars, here are some things that you should know about them.

The first thing you should know about acne is that it will not kill you. It can, however, do something to your self-esteem which is why you are reading this article right now in search for a means to get rid of that imperfection.

5 Effective Ways to Treat Acne

So what is acne?
The proper medical term for acne is acne vulgaris. It is common among those who are in their puberty stage as this is the time when the skin's sebaceous or oil glands come to life. These oil glands are connected to your pores via small canals called follicles. Blocked follicles lead to oil accumulation, which in turn leads to an acne breakout.

Research suggests that an increase in the level of androgen hormones in the body is the basic factor that leads to acne breakouts. When the androgen level in the body rises, the oil glands under the skin also grow, leading to an increase in the gland's production of sebum or oil. Acne can also be hereditary. Those with a family history of acne breakouts are more susceptible to pimples. Pregnancy can also trigger acne, as a change in hormone levels may lead to enlarged oil glands and thus a rise in oil production. People with sensitive or oily skin dramatically increase their susceptibility to acne when they apply greasy cosmetics.

What can be done to treat acne?
Medication is readily available for those who suffer from this condition. It is best to consult a skin care professional prior to taking any medication, however, as some forms of treatment which contain lithium and androgen may worsen the skin's condition.
Below are several substances used to address the problem of acne.

1. Resorcinol
Resorcinol is the crystal form of phenol extracted from various resins and used to help break down white heads and blackheads. Dandruff, psoriasis, and eczema are among the list of skin conditions that resorcinol can address.

2. Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide works by slowing down the oil gland's production of oil and killing bacteria. It also promotes the peeling of skin and clearing of blocked pores to rejuvenate the skin.

3. Salicylic Acid
Like resorcinol, salicylic acid also works to break down white heads and blackheads as well as unblock clogged pores. This acid is also effective in treating skin inflammation. This crystalline substance is also in shampoos for dandruff treatment.

4. Sulfur
This crystalline solid is yellow in its natural form. For hundreds of years now, people have used sulfur to treat psoriasis, acne, and eczema. Although experts are unsure as to how sulfur exactly works to treat skin diseases, research shows the substance's efficacy in doing such. What experts do know, however, is that sulfur oxidizes into a form that acts as an antibacterial agent.

5. Phytoceramides
Phytoceramides, also known as a plant-derived ceramides, mimic the function of the body's natural ceramides by promoting its production of collagen. Such production keeps the skin firm and youthful, and regular intake of this skin supplement can take years off one's facial features. Although FDA has approved of this supplement only in recent years, Japanese women have long since been using this substance to defy skin aging.

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